
The Concept

*Every week I will write 3 happy blogs, where I dig deep in what I learned that week. When?
Monday (because, well, I think you need a little bit of happiness then), Wednesday (because: almost Friday!) and Saturday (when you’re hangover and need some chill-time).
* The topics can vary. This can go from delicious food, to a simple quote or just an interesting person you should check out.

My main goal is that you spend 5 minutes of your day on this blog, whenever you feel like it. I want to give you little ‘caffeine shots’ that will give you energy, not just for a few hours (like regular coffee does), but for a whole day.

YOU read it, comment on what you think of it and maybe even suggest new ideas. Every topic can vary: from what to eat, to meditation, to fashion or travelling.

I challenge you to participate in the ‘100 Days of Happiness Challenge’, where each day you reflect on your happiest moment , record it in your way and maybe share it with me! The original concept (http://100happydays.com/ –> go check it out!) challenges you to take a picture of what made you happy, for 100 days. To me personally, taking a picture each day can have a side affect. I want to detox from my phone, and spending 10 minutes after taken a picture for ‘which filter will I use’, doesn’t help that. That’s why I alternated the original concept, to my own. And that’s what I want you to do:

FIND YOUR WAY TO EXPRESS YOUR 100 DAYS CHALLENGE.! (And feel free to share that with me!)

Some people like to take pictures, others like to write about what they experienced during the day.

So, have fun, go on your personal quest to find happiness and join me in the ‘100 Days of Happiness Challenge’!

If you have questions, comment here bellow or send me an email: sofie.dumortier@hotmail.com



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